Wednesday 15 December 2010

Ideas and Planning. (Price & Audience.)

After looking through all the genre's represented by current music magazines, i noticed that are no existing POP Genre music magazines. This brought me to the decision to make my music magazine represent the Pop genre. I also decided on this particular genre because it is currently the most popular style of music, specifically will teenagers, and therefor there would be a good audience to target.

As i referred to, when talking about the genre of my magazine, i believe the most suitable social group to aim the magazine at would be Teenagers, particularly females. This is because chart sales show that pop music is the most popular genre of music amongst teenagers, which would obviously make them the most suitable audience to aim the magazine product at. In specific, Teenagers between the age of 14-19, would be more interested in the magazine. 

Taking into account the age of the target audience, the price of the magazine will need to be fairly cheap and affordable for a monthly issue, as the majority of the readers will be students and likely not have an income i think the price would be suitable between £2-£3. By having the price in this range it will ensure the magazine is easily afforable for the chosen target audience of teenagers.

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