Thursday 9 December 2010

Ideas and Planning. (1. Genre of music)

The genres i have chose to represent in my music magazine are R&B and POP music. I came to this conclusion after analysing other magazines and institutions and noticing there are very few magazines that promote these genres of music. I chose to represent two genre's as opposed to one style of music like many current magazines choose to do. This is because, in my opinion, pop and R&B are currently the most successful and popular genre's of music and therefore have a much larger target audience, which would result in the magazine being a success.

I researched many artists that produce music of this genre, and found music video's of the one's i think would best represent/ be suitable to represent Pop music in my magazine and could possibly feature on the cover.

Lady Gaga - I think Lady Gaga is a great example of how much of an impact music has, on teenagers in  particular. She currently has the most watched youtube videos in history, a long with receiving a considerable amount of awards, a clear sign of the fanbase she has created with her Pop music. Taking into account her popularity, Lady Gaga would be a good artist to feature on the cover of my magazine as it would be guaranteed to sell exceedingly well.

Cheryl Cole - I think cheryl cole would also be a great artist to represent pop music. Not only because of the huge success of her solo music, but also due to massive fanbase she has created. As she is known as one of the most famous and successful women, currently, in the UK and has great publicity on The X Factor she would confidently promote the magazine a lot, if she featured on the cover. In addition to this, as she is seen as a role model/inspiration to a large number of teenage girls for overcoming aspects of her private life, the target audience i have chosen would also be interested in a feature abotu her in the magazine. Therefor it would be a good idea to have her as teh main feature of the double page spread.

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