Friday 17 December 2010

Front Cover!

I have decided to not use this front cover as my final cover, as i feel it does not look realistic enough. Also, the layout of the cover lines are not appealing and make the magazine look unprofessional. In addition to this, the image i used as the main photo is blurry and out of focus, and overall the cover is not eye-catching and doesn't stand out. 

Thursday 16 December 2010

Double Page Spread. ICT draft.

 Draft idea 1.

                                                                  Draft idea 2.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Images for Front Cover.

I took several images, using my sister as a model, as possible final choices for my main fornt cover image. I took them in different angles to see which turned out best and would look good with the layout of my magazine. the images below are the ones i think would be best suited, the first image being the best one in my opinion. The third image is one i think would look good to include on my double page spread as i think the angle of the shot would be wrong for a cover page image. All the images i took where close ups as i think it would make the audience feel closer to person on the cover.

Although i like the camera angle of this fourth image, the quality of the image came out blurry so i decided to not consider it for my final cover shot. 

How music magazines are promoted. (using the internet.)

Most Music Magazines, if not all, use the internet strongly as way to promote their magazine. As digitalization has effected the music industry a great deal, many institutions cleverly plan to use the internet as a way to promote the weekly/monthly issues of their magazines, as it reaches out to a much wider audience and more people become aware of who the main features are, leading to more interest in the magazine.
The magazines promote their product via sites such as YouTube, their own websites, and social networking sites. By doing this they are keep up to date with the way digitalization is moving, and as the target audience is teenagers, the easiest way to promote their magazine to them is by using the internet to promote.

Above is an example of how Q magazine promoted a particular issue, which had Cheryl Cole as an exclusive feature. Whilst filming the photoshoot for the cover, they recorded a behind the scenes feature interview with Cheryl, where she talks about the interview, the concept of the photoshoot, and urges people to buy the magazine.
The images below are examples of how Magazines create their own websites, as a way to keep their target audience informed on the development of the magazine and the features that will be included in the next issues of the magazine. News about Music Artists, Photoshoots, Interviews, Tour Announcements are all displayed on the website, enabling fans to keep up to date on their favorite artists.
I think this is a very effective way of promoting the Magazine, the artists featured, and gaining more fans. 

Ideas and Planning. (Price & Audience.)

After looking through all the genre's represented by current music magazines, i noticed that are no existing POP Genre music magazines. This brought me to the decision to make my music magazine represent the Pop genre. I also decided on this particular genre because it is currently the most popular style of music, specifically will teenagers, and therefor there would be a good audience to target.

As i referred to, when talking about the genre of my magazine, i believe the most suitable social group to aim the magazine at would be Teenagers, particularly females. This is because chart sales show that pop music is the most popular genre of music amongst teenagers, which would obviously make them the most suitable audience to aim the magazine product at. In specific, Teenagers between the age of 14-19, would be more interested in the magazine. 

Taking into account the age of the target audience, the price of the magazine will need to be fairly cheap and affordable for a monthly issue, as the majority of the readers will be students and likely not have an income i think the price would be suitable between £2-£3. By having the price in this range it will ensure the magazine is easily afforable for the chosen target audience of teenagers.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Example of a POP music magazine. (X Magazine)

The X Factor magazine is one of very few pop magazines i could find for research and idea's on my magazine, proving my point that there is a huge gap in magazine industry for a pop music magazine. The magazine includes behind the scenes access to the x factor, the biggest music/tv show on TV. It also features the biggest names in Pop music and the currently successful and upcoming new music, with interviews and album reviews. It also includes fashion & style features which suggest the magazine is mostly aimed at a younger female audience, like the target audience i plan to appeal to. The x factor magaizne is an example of convergence used by the music industry. The tv show, The record label (SONY), Technology adverts, Other artists, Fashion, Concerts are all promoted in this one magazine.

Friday 10 December 2010

Magazine name ideas & meanings

  • BIZZ – most current and up to date music, artists and songs currently creating the biggest ‘buzz’ in music industry.

  • POP Magazine – connotes that the magazine is representing the most fun, popular & entertaining/ stand-out artists in music.

  • EPIC – represents music that is most credited, stand-out, ‘heroic’ music. ‘5 star music’

Out of the name idea's i thought of i concluded that the one i will use for my magazine is 'EPIC' as i think it connotes a strong message about the style of music i want the magazine to represent. The word also stands out, and i think it would be a memorable, and appropriate title for a magazine.

Ideas and Planning (2. Target Audience)

Target Audience.
Based on my my previous planning and research of a suitable genre to represent in my magazine, i came to the conclusion i would promote Pop and R&B music. Therefore the target audience i will aim to appeal to is Teenagers, in particular teenager girls. This is because they are the age category that have the most respect and enjoyment in this style of music and would relate to the artists featured in the magazine.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Ideas and Planning. (1. Genre of music)

The genres i have chose to represent in my music magazine are R&B and POP music. I came to this conclusion after analysing other magazines and institutions and noticing there are very few magazines that promote these genres of music. I chose to represent two genre's as opposed to one style of music like many current magazines choose to do. This is because, in my opinion, pop and R&B are currently the most successful and popular genre's of music and therefore have a much larger target audience, which would result in the magazine being a success.

I researched many artists that produce music of this genre, and found music video's of the one's i think would best represent/ be suitable to represent Pop music in my magazine and could possibly feature on the cover.

Lady Gaga - I think Lady Gaga is a great example of how much of an impact music has, on teenagers in  particular. She currently has the most watched youtube videos in history, a long with receiving a considerable amount of awards, a clear sign of the fanbase she has created with her Pop music. Taking into account her popularity, Lady Gaga would be a good artist to feature on the cover of my magazine as it would be guaranteed to sell exceedingly well.

Cheryl Cole - I think cheryl cole would also be a great artist to represent pop music. Not only because of the huge success of her solo music, but also due to massive fanbase she has created. As she is known as one of the most famous and successful women, currently, in the UK and has great publicity on The X Factor she would confidently promote the magazine a lot, if she featured on the cover. In addition to this, as she is seen as a role model/inspiration to a large number of teenage girls for overcoming aspects of her private life, the target audience i have chosen would also be interested in a feature abotu her in the magazine. Therefor it would be a good idea to have her as teh main feature of the double page spread.