Friday 22 October 2010

Researching and analysing current College Magazines

To gather a further understanding of the designs used in a college magazine, i found two current magazines produced for students of Grimsby College and East Riding College.
These were;
Grimsby Institute College Magazine
East Riding College Student Magazine

Both magazines have a masthead clear on the cover that tells the reader who the institution behind the magazine is. They both also have a main image that covers the whole page and explains the style of the magazine. Another similarity between the two is that neither charge their students to read an thereforr a barcode is not used on either covers. In addition to this, both use several coverlines on the cover to allow the reader to see what will be readable inside the magazine.

However, there are noticable differences between the two magazines. The East Riding College Student Magazine has only one image on the cover ( the main image) and no additional picture previews of other topics inside the magazine, which could appear less interesting to the audience. Grimisby Institute College Magazine, on the other hand included two additional images to the cover, which i think makes it appeal more to the students it is aimed at. One major difference between the two is the colour schemes uused and how they are presented. Grimsby Institute uses bright blue, oragne, grey and white colours which make it bold and eye catching, in addition to sophisticated. Whereas East Riding College Magazine uses mostly black, with white writing and this, in my opinion, doesn't appeal to the student audience it is aimed at. By using a lack of bold colours it neither appears eye catching, or interesting.

*By noticing this, i will aim to add bold colours to my own front cover so it will appeal to Wyke Students successfully.

The benefit & aim of leaving the East Riding Magazine simple with little anchorage is that it succeeds in bringing the focus of the audience on the main image and not other parts of the cover. I think this has been done very effectively.

The highlight of Grimsby Institute's Magaizne cover is the editing of the main image which has resulted in a cartoon style effect, that i believe successfully draws the interest of the audience immediately.

By analysing and researching these two magazines i feel that my knowledge and understanding of what to include on my own cover has improved.

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