Friday 22 October 2010

Notes on codes & conventions used in a College magazine.

*I did some research on the codes and conventions that are frequently used on the cover of college magazines, so i had a clearer idea of what to include on the cover i will be producing.

Masthead – Title used. Often basic, as college magazines are formal and simple & will include name of college.

Main Image – usually a simple image, edited to look realistic and get across point of the magazine. Mid-shot is the most popular  camera angle used for the main image.

Main Cover Line – large text explaining to the reader the main feature of the issue.

Cover Lines – Other cover lines, linked with the images (if used on front page) and often placed at one side. Not many used.

Dateline - The date, usually the month and year of publication.  If the college (the institution has chose to charge pupils for the publication, then the price will be displayed along with the dateline.)
Teaser - Phrase, thats grabs the readers attention.
Other codes and conventions used are Barcodes, Font, Colour, and possibly Graphics for added effect.

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