Friday 22 October 2010


For my Front Cover i used as many codes and conventions i could to make my final product successful. I included a medium close-up image taken by myself, i then added a masthead to the cover 'Wyke Life' and used large/bold font in bright red colour which i feel makes it stand out and catch the eye of the audience. I also included several coverlines on both sides of the cover, with an image accompanying one of the coverlines. I chose these to make the audience interested in wanting to read the magazine.
To correspond with my main image i used a different text to the masthead and coverlines and added the main coverline to the bottom of the page in larger text.

The Institiution of the magazine is Wyke College. As i chose to design the front cover fairly simply i tried to imply that the magazine is produced by other students at the college. The main aim of the magazine is to INFORM the students of the college about current & upcoming events and news of the previous week. To show this i chose to use the  halloween party and enrichment courses news to represent that this is the purpose of the magazine.

The audience of the magazine is current students of the school, both female and male. I decided this should be the audience my magazine cover appeals to because the focus of it is to inform all the students of the events and therefore it will appeal to both genders.

By naming the magazine Wyke Life and the final result of the front cover, this conveys to the audience the image that life at Wyke is relaxed and enjoyable for its students and that the institiution are concentrated on keeping the students up to date on everything happening at the college.

Overall i am very happy with the concept of my idea and think the aims i tried to convey were put across successfully and if i was to see the ocver of the magazine as the audience i would be interested to read.
One part of the assignment i was disapointed in, was teh section of my planning. This is because i find it difficult to plan and record my ideas.
Overall i think the cover conveys to the audience that the magaizne is to inform the students, which was my main aim and i feel this was doen successfully.

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