Monday 7 March 2011

Interview i am planning on using for my double page spread.

When i was planning idea's for the interview i will include on my double page spread, i looked at interviews from several artists in different magazine, to get an idea of the format and type of questions that are asked. I also looked at how the artists replied to the questions, and how they manage portray a positive image of themselves in the way they answered the questions.

This is the interview i made up to be used on my double page spread
Interview for double page spread.

Hi Ellie! Firstly we’d like to say how much everyone at EPIC magazine already love you! ...
So many artists in this industry are wrongly perceived; describe yourself in four words,  how you want our readers to see you..

Ellie: Well, I’d say I am very passionate, fun, and definitely determined! Humble as well; my friends always tell me they believe I will keep my feet firmly on the ground, even when I become a ‘big star’ *laughs*.. which is very important to me, I hope the public can see I am down to earth and normal like everyone else. Hopefully people can relate to me!

And what about your highly anticipated new album? Which songs are you most excited about fans hearing?

Ellie: I’m really proud of my album, so much hard work has gone into making it and it’s turned out better than I hoped! I’m so so excited about everyone hearing all the songs on the album. But BraveHeart, Tomorrow, and Free are the one's i think are the stand out songs. I really hope everyone loves the whole album as much as I do!

We can’t wait to hear it! If your album is successful (which we know it will be!) would you think about planning a tour?

If, *Fingers crossed* the album is successful, I would definitely love to tour! It has always been my dream to get the chance to share my music with people that can appreciate it, so to go on a tour would be even more than I could wish for! Watch this space! *smiles*

Turn over page for more from Ellie..

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