Friday 15 April 2011

Final Front Page

Double page spread.

Edited/final version of Double page spread.

I decided to make some changes to the first page of my double spread. I felt the light pink colour i used for the background didn't create enough of a stand out effect and looked quite dull next to the image on the second page of the double speread, so instead i changed the background colour to a bright pink and used a rough brush effect with different shades of pink to make the page look more interesting for the audience. In addition to this i added more text to make the first page of the interview longer, which worked will in improving the structure of the page.

Thursday 14 April 2011

EDITED contents page.

I decided to make changes on my contents page to improve the quality of my work. i changed the font colour of the page information/text from purple and orange to black as i think it looks more professional and is now easier to read. I also added two new pictures to add more detail to the page an make the appearance look better. i then increased the size of the main feature heading 'Ellie talks about breaking into the pop world' to make it stand out more effectively amongst the other writing on the page. I am pleased with the change si made to this.